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Bidding Rules

Bidding Rules - Weld County, Colorado 2023 Tax Certificate Sale Auction

In accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) §39-11-115, minimum bids and bid increase increments are as follows:

Minimum bids: The minimum starting bid for each tax lien is equal to the amount of the unpaid taxes, interest, penalties, and fees (the tax lien face value).

Bid increments: Bid increments shall be One dollar ($1.00). Tax liens are awarded to the highest bidder, or in the event of a tie, the winner will be electronically selected at random and the winning bid amount will equal the amount of the tie bid.

Tax liens will be grouped into batches and sold in 1 hour increments starting on 10/31/2023 at 8:00 AM MT and concluding on 10/31/2023 at 11:00 AM MT. Tax liens in each batch will be identified with a closing time.

Preliminary ids may be made starting 10/02/2023 at 8:00 AM MT. Bids will be accepted for each tax lien until the batch containing it closes. The Auction Website stores the bids for each tax lien until the batch containing it closes. Prior to the closing of the batch, bidders may change or withdraw their bids. Once a batch closes, the bids become final and may not be changed or withdrawn.

Each winning bidder shall make a wire transfer payment of funds sufficient to cover the total amount of the their winning bids on the Auction Website no later than 10/31/2023 at 2:00 PM MT. If a winning bidder fails to make full payment in the time allotted, the Treasurer's office may, at the Treasurer’s sole discretion, award the tax liens to another bidder or may offer the tax lien for sale. Additionally, in accordance with § C.R.S. 39-11-116, if a person fails to pay the full amount due in the time allotted, the Treasurer may prohibit the bidder from participating in any tax lien sales for up to five years. 

The certificate of purchase issued on a successful bid will show the legal description, purchase amount, and buyer’s name (as entered in registration), interest rate, and date of sale. Certificate of purchase will be held in our office electronically. This will enable us to process your redemptions and to endorse subsequent tax years.

Redemption interest is 15% per annum.

Employees and officials of Weld County, and members of their families are not allowed to purchase at the Public Auction.


  • Those investing in tax liens do so at their own risk and are advised to exercise due diligence in carefully analyzing which tax liens to bid on. There are no guarantees expressed or implied regarding whether a tax lien will prove to be a profitable investment.
  • The property information accessible on the bid pages was obtained from the Assessor’s office prior to the start of the current auction and is for reference only (please note that this property information, provided by the Assessor’s office, represents the most current assessment year, not the tax year associated with this tax lien sale, as taxes are paid one year in arrears). It is the buyer’s responsibility to research auction items thoroughly prior to placing bids.

Summary of Important Dates and Information

  Bidder Accounts  
  Allow foreign bidder registrations  
  Single simultaneous bidder rule  
  Auction Information  
  Bidding style  
  Proxy Bid Auction  
  0 value bids use proxy system  
  Allow sub-accounts  
  Automatic certificate rollup / rollup fee  
  Auction Dates and Times  
  Registration begins (site opens)**  
  10/02/2023 at 8:00 AM MT  
  Deposits, Registration fees and Budgets begin  
  10/02/2023 at 8:00 AM MT  
  Bidding begins  
  10/02/2023 at 8:00 AM MT  
  Deposits, Registration fees and Budgets end    
  10/25/2023 at 2:00 PM MT  
  Participation Requirements  


  Submit a deposit  
  Enter ACH Redemption Information  


  Participation Requirements Due Date  
  10/26/2023 at 2:00 PM MT  
  Registrations end  
  10/26/2023 at 2:00 PM MT  
  First batch closes  
  10/31/2023 at 8:00 AM MT  
  Batch closing interval  
  1 hour  
  Last batch closes  
  10/31/2023 at 11:00 AM MT  
  Auxiliary batch opens  
  Auxiliary batch closes  
  Payment due date  
  10/31/2023 at 2:00 PM MT  
  Budget, Deposit and Payment Information    
  Deposit or Budget required (% of estimated winnings)  
  Minimum deposit amount  
  Registration Fee  
  Registration Fee Refundable   
  Registration Fee Applied to Winnings   
  Deposit / Payment types acceptable:  
      ACH auto-debit final payment   
      Wire transfers  
      Counter payments  
  Redemptions available via ACH?  
  Public Access  
  Public computers available  
  Any library  
  ** Subject to change. The site will open when approved by the County.  

For an explanation of any of the terms above, please visit the FAQs.